Deep Fryers

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<h2>Deep Fryers</h2>
<p>A <strong>deep fryer</strong> is a <a href="">kitchen appliance</a> used for deep frying foodstuff. It is also known as a fryer, deep fat fryer or fryolator. They are commonly used in commercial kitchens however; household models are available and have become common. Modern deep fryers feature a basket to raise food and clear of the oil when cooking is finished. Fryers often come with features such as timers with an audible alarm, automatic devices to raise and lower the basket into the oil, measures to prevent food crumbs from becoming overcooked, ventilation systems to reduce frying odors, oil filters to extend the usable life of the oil, and mechanical or electronic temperature controls. Deep fryers are used for cooking many fast foods and making them crisp.</p>

<h2>Essential features to Consider when Buying Deep Fryers</h2>

Deep fryer is an essential kitchen appliance especially for those who love frying; it is also used in fast foods. There are certain features that are important to look for when buying deep fryers for your home or business. </p>Material: When getting a deep fryer, it is best to go for stainless steel items. They are quite expensive but they would make a great investment. With stainless steel deep fryers, you can easily avoid excessive burns, rust, and marks. Moreover, stainless steel items look fresh and brand new even after excessive use. So, do not think of initial investment, just remember that these items will better assist you while cooking and frying various food items.

Maintenance: Make sure to get deep fryers which are not too complex and hard to clean. Get the ones that you will be able to clean easily after use. Make it sure that the item you are going to purchase has removable parts and it should be dishwasher friendly item. Actually, it is really a big and difficult deal to scrub the pan for several hours after cooking. So, your fryer should be easy to clean.

Temperature control: This is also an important thing to consider. This generally means that your deep fryer should be smart enough to run with different temperature demands and requirements. Actually, each and every food requires varying degrees and temperatures of heat to cook. So, make it sure that the thermostat of your deep fryer is adjustable according to various requirements. Furthermore, exteriors of your fryer should be safe enough to assist in smooth cooking and handling.</p>

<h2>Deep Fryer Cleaning Tips</h2>
Whether using a deep fryer at home or in a restaurant kitchen, the large amount of cooking oil and food particles that gather may present a challenge to clean. While the process takes longer than just scrubbing some dishes, performing it before serious grime builds up will reduce the amount of effort substantially.

Clean as needed: If you use your deep fryer frequently, changing the oil and cleaning it every few days will help prevent a buildup of grime that can be much harder to remove. If you only use your deep fryer every couple weeks or less frequently, clean it after each use. Remember not to put your fryer in the sink or dishwasher. Immersion in water may cause an electrical shock and damage the fryer.

Unplug before cleaning: Never clean your deep fryer while it is still plugged in. Let the oil cool completely to avoid burns. Never add water to a container of hot oil, or the mixture could explode.

Drain before cleaning: If you plan to use the oil again, drain it into a food-safe container with a sealed lid and store it in a cool place. If not, find out how you can use cooking oil for other purposes or simply throw it away in a sealed container. Remember not to pour oil down your sink as it can clog your drain.<br><br>

Handle the frying basket: Remove the frying basket and place in the sink. Put two or three drops of dishwashing detergent in the basket for later cleaning.<br><br>

Wipe off oil: Use damp, but not dripping, paper towels or a sponge to wipe away oil residue and bits of food from inside the deep fryer pot. If the oil has caked on, scrape it off with a pan scraper or spatula, taking care not to damage the finish. Some lids are removable for easy cleaning. <br><br>

Fill the fryer with hot water. Transfer hot water from your sink with a pitcher or other container, rather than exposing your fryer's electrical components to a wet sink. Use as much water as you normally would and let the hot water sit for 30 minutes. You can move on to the next step and clean the other pieces while you wait. On the other hand, if your tap water isn't that hot, you may plug your fryer back in and bring the water to a boil. Unplug your fryer and wait 30 minutes for the water to cool. Boil for several minutes if there is a large amount of caked residue.<br><br>

Handling the frying basket: Run warm water over the frying basket and clean it by wiping back and forth. Add more dish soap and clean the basket again if it still feels greasy. Use a scrubbing brush to remove food particles. Once clean, rinse the basket to remove the remaining soap and leave it to dry on a dish rack or towel.

Clean or replace dirty filters on the fryer lid: Check your manufacturer's instructions to see if your filters are removable and whether you can clean them. Foam grease filters can be washed in hot soapy water and left to dry. Charcoal odor filters are not washable and need to be replaced once they become grimy and clogged. If any filters are not removable, you cannot immerse the lid in water. Instead, wipe with a damp cloth with a little detergent, then a plain damp cloth to remove the detergent and oil.<br><br>

Wash the cooking pot: Check the water which has been sitting in the fryer pot for 30 minutes, pour half of it into the sink. Use a sponge or cloth to wipe the sides and bottom with the remaining water, then pour that down the sink as well. If the water contains a large amount of oil, you may need to put it in a container and throw it in the trash instead of pouring it down the sink.<br><br>

Rinse the cooking pot: Add clean water without soap and swirl with your hand to pick up all soap particles from the sides and base. Pour out the water and repeat the process until the fryer is free of soap. 

Allow drying: Use a towel to dry the outside of the deep fryer, but let the inside air dry. Wait long enough for the fryer to dry completely. This gives any water that accidentally entered the electrical system a chance to drain before you plug the fryer back in. 

<h2>Where to Buy Deep Fryers Online </h2>Jumia offers a variety of deep fryers at affordable prices. You can also get your food cookers and steamers here without stress. Shop now and pay cash on delivery.